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The Big List

This is an in-progress list of Python programming practice problems. The problems are roughly categorized by topic, and questions are listed so that a particular question only requires concepts covered before it. For example, questions in the Functions section will not require if-statements.

We will not post solutions to these questions, and there is no autograder. We heavily encourage you to compare solutions to classmates or come to office hours if you are unsure about your solutions. If you get stuck, check out the Getting Unstuck guide, or post to Piazza.


int assertions

  • Given a variable number containing an int, write a single line of code that asserts that number is equal to 3
  • Given a variable count containing an int, write a single line of code that asserts that count is greater than or equal to 0.
  • Given two variables first and second containing int values, write a single line of code that asserts that first is strictly smaller than second.
  • Given two variables num_apples and num_pears containing int values, write a single line of code that asserts that num_apples and num_pears are not equal.
  • Given a variable day containing an int, write a single line of code that asserts that day is between 1 and 7 inclusive.

String assertions

  • Given a variable name containing a String, write a single line of code that asserts that name contains the value 'Ben'
  • Given a variable name containing a String, write a single line of code that asserts that name does not contain the value 'John'
  • Given a variable name containing a String, write a single line of code that asserts that name is at most 10 characters long.
  • Given a variable name containing a String, write a single line of code that asserts that name is neither 'Ben' nor 'John'

type assertions

  • Given a variable count, write a single line of code that asserts count contains an int
  • Given a variable ratio, write a single line of code that asserts ratio contains a float
  • Given a variable name, write a single line of code that asserts that name is a String.
  • Given two variables num_apples and num_pears, write a single line of code that asserts that both num_apples and num_pears contain ints


Define parameters in the order they are listed in the prompt.

Function headers

  • Write the function header for a function named my_function, which takes in no parameters
  • Write the function header for a function named convert, which takes in a single parameter named meters, and returns meters times 1000
  • Write a function header for a function named multiply, which takes in two positional parameters named multiplier and multiplicand
  • Write a function header for a function named get_capacity, which takes in a single parameter named water_level with default value 0
  • Write a function header for a function named take_power which takes in two parameters: base, with no default value, and exponent, with a default value of 2

Return statements

  • Complete the following function by writing a single line of code that returns the value 3
def return_three():
  • Complete the following function by writing a single line of code that returns the value of result
def return_variable(num):
result = num + 3
  • Complete the following function by writing a single line of code that returns the value of the parameter num
def return_parameter(num):
  • Complete the following function by writing a single line of code that returns the value of the parameter num multiplied by 5
def quintuple(num):
  • Complete the following function by writing a single line of code that returns the value of the first parameter subtracted by the second parameter
def subtract(a, b):

Full functions

  1. Write a function named print_hello, which takes in no parameters and prints the String 'Hello!'
  2. Write a function named add_three, which takes in a single parameter num, and returns the value of num plus the value 3.
  3. Write a function named compare, which takes in two parameters a and b, which returns True if a is greater than b, and False otherwise. This function should be two lines including the header, and should not require the use of if-statements or a ternary!
  4. Write a function named fifth_power, which takes in a single parameter num, asserts that num is an int, and then returns num raised to the 5th power. This function should be three lines including the header.