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Types and Operations

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Short week 1 tasks:

  • Quiz 1: Due Thursday 2/9
  • Sign up for Piazza: Due Friday 2/10
  • Sign up for Gradescope: Due Friday 2/10
  • Sign up for zyBooks: Due Friday 2/10

Lab this week is meeting your TA and making sure all the relevant software is installed.


For this lecture, it will be convenient to have replit open.

replit is quite cool. On the left-hand side, you can type python code and run it with the big, green "Run" button. Go ahead and try it with print("Hello, World").

But we will be using the right-hand side today. On the right hand side you can put code/expressions (e.g. arithmetic) one line at a time, they will be evaluated, and the results will be displayed.

The distinction is subtle. It may by more useful to think of the right-hand side a "python calculator" of sorts.

Extra: REPLs

This calculator-like thing is more formally know as a read-eval-print loop (REPL)

It reads an expression from the user, evaluates it, prints the result, and repeats (loops).

Extra: Python's built-in REPL

replit's python REPL is presumably a wrapper around python's built-in REPL.

If you are in a terminal (such as Terminal on Mac of PowerShell on Windows) and python 3 is installed, then you can start up the built-in REPL with the command python3 (if you have installed python, it is almost surely python 3). That's it, just python3 with no file name after it.

To get out of the REPL, you can use the exit() function, or you can hit control-d (it might be something else on Windows).


We as humans understand the difference between numbers and words. Even within numbers, we have whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

Computers formalise this with a notion of types. All data has some type associated with it. Everything is something, maybe a number, maybe text, and later on, maybe weirder things.

There are 3 types we care about at the moment:

  • Integers (int): these are the whole numbers of python, e.g.: 0,1,6,-7.
  • Floating point numbers (float): these are the decimal numbers of python, e.g.: 0.0,-1.67,4e23.
  • Strings (str): these are the "text" type of python. e.g.: "Hello, World!".

When we want to make a string out of verbatim text in code, we surround it with quotation marks so that the computer knows it is text, not code. We may use " or '. Note, these are both straight quotes. Curvy quotes like , , , and do not work.

Extra: Infinity and NaN

There are some special floats to mention exist:

  • Infinity (prints as inf): hard to deliberately make show up, but anything more than 1.8e308 or so is too big and thus "infinite". Why that specific number is much longer story.
  • Negative Infinity (prints as -inf): Much like inf, but negative.
  • Not a Number (prints as nan): Sometimes when you do illegal math you get an error (such as dividing by 0). Sometimes, like with 1.8e308 - 1.8e308 (inf - inf) you get "Not a Number"
Extra: Escape Sequences

Sometime, you want to something a little fancy in your strings. Maybe you want a tab, maybe a newline, or maybe you want a quotation mark.

To do these things, we need what are called escape sequences. These are sequences of characters starting with a special escape character. The escape character, \ (backslash) in python, tells the computer that what comes next is not verbatim, but rather a special sequence telling it to do something else.

So for a new line, you can use "\n", for tabs, "\t".

>>> print("Escapable Whitespace:\n\tNewlines\n\tTabs")
Escapable Whitespace:

For quotation marks, you don't need to escape if the marks around the entire string differ from what you are trying to display. E.g., "'" and '"' work how you might hope. You do need an escape if they match though, e.g., "\"" and '\''.

>>> print("The ' in a \"...\"-style string doesn't need quotes")
The ' in a "..."-style string doesn't need quotes
>>> print('Don\'t forget to escape apostrophes in a \'...\'-style string')
Don't forget to escape apostrophes in a '...'-style string

Finally, if you want a backslash itself to show up in a string, \\.

>>> print("Some Escape Sequences:\n\tNewline: \\n\n\tTab: \\t\n\tQuote (\"): \\\"\n\tBackslash (\\): \\\\")
Some Escape Sequences:
Newline: \n
Tab: \t
Quote ("): \"
Backslash (\): \\

Learning Something's Type

If you want to know what something's type is, you can use the type() function. This takes in anything and return the type, e.g., in the REPL (the first line is what I typed in, which is what the >>> represents):

>>> type("Hello, World!")
<class 'str'>

Ignore the class thing. We are being told is a string (str)

Arithmetic Operations

We have a notion of expressions in the computer science world. The formal definitions can be a tad complex, by they are effectively things that evaluate to something. For instance, the expression 7 + 3 * 2 evaluates to 13.

You are hopefully familiar with operations (as in "order of operations") in the math sense. If we have the expression 7 + 8, we call 7 and 8 operands, and + the operator.

The basic arithmetic operators in python:

  • +: Addition
  • -: Subtraction
  • *: Multiplication
  • /: Division
  • **: Exponentiation

There are two more arithmetic operators in python. They both have to do with the concept of whole number division with a remainder. So for instance, while you could say 17 divided by 5 is 3.4, you could also say 17 divided by 5 is 3 with a remainder of 2 (because 5 * 3 + 2 = 17).

The first approach is captured in python by /, the second with the following:

  • //: Integer Division/Floor Divisions. 17 // 5 would give 3, the whole number of times to operator on the right can be taken out of the operator on the left.
  • %: Modulo/Remainder. 17 % 5 would give 2, what remains of the operator on the left after the operator on the right is taken out of it as many times as possible.

These both also work on floats in python.

>>> 18.5 // 5.1
>>> 18.5 % 5.1

(As a bonus, you can even see the imperfection in the float's ability to represent 3.2)

Order of Operations

With any luck, the phrase "order of operation" or "PEMDAS" is ingrained deep in your memory. If not, the idea is that in longer arithmetic expressions, some operations are done before others.

The order:

  • (): Expressions in Parentheses have highest priority.
  • ** : Exponentiation is the tightest binding operator.
  • *,/,//,%: Multiplication, Division, and the like come next.
  • +, -: Addition and Subtraction are last.

Some examples of results by using parentheses to change the order of evaluation:

>>> 5 ** 4 * 3 + 2
>>> 5 ** 4 * (3 + 2)
>>> 5 ** (4 * 3) + 2
>>> 5 ** (4 * 3 + 2)
>>> 5 ** (4 * (3 + 2))

And within a level of precedence, the order of evaluation goes from left to right. A demonstrated below:

>>> 2 - 3 + 4
>>> (2 - 3) + 4
>>> 2 - (3 + 4)

Operands' and Result's Types

Since ints and floats are both numbers, python lets you have operations with both in them:

>>> 2 * 3.1415

The type of the result depends on the type of the operands (and if the operation is division or not).

>>> type(1 + 1)
<class 'int'>
>>> type(1 + 1.0)
<class 'float'>
>>> type(1.0 + 1)
<class 'float'>
>>> type(1.0 + 1.0)
<class 'float'>
>>> type(1 / 1)
<class 'float'>

If either operand is a float, or the operation is /, the result will be a float. Otherwise (If both operands are both ints and the operation is not /), it will be an int.

String Operations

We can work with more than numbers in python though. We also have text, aka strings (str).

Turns out, there are some handy operations we can perform on strings:

  • +: Concatenation. Combines 2 strings together, e.g., "Hello" + " " + "World" evaluates to "Hello World".
  • *: Repeat. This takes, as operands, a string and and an integer, in either order, and repeats the string that many times. E.g., 5 * "ha" evaluates to "hahahahaha".

Converting Types (Casting)

Finally, we can convert between these types if we so desire (this is sometimes called casting). For example, if we have the string "125", we may want to convert it to the integer 125.

Conversion function are conveniently named after their types:

  • int(): attempts to convert something to an int. E.g., int("125") evaluates to 125.
  • float(): attempts to convert something to an float E.g., float("125") evaluates to 125.0.
  • str(): attempts to convert something to an str. E.g., str(-0.12) evaluates to "-0.12".

I say "attempts", because some things are illegal and will fail:

>>> int("3.14")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '3.14'

Finally, a warning about converting floats to ints, the int() function truncates (chops off) the decimal part. You may find it more appropriate to use the round() function.

>>> int(126.9999999999)
>>> round(126.9999999999)
Extra: Floor and Ceiling

This truncating, or rounding down, is also called flooring (hence "floor divisions", in fact). It can also be deliberately done with math.floor() in the math Module

The notion of rounding up is captured by the ceiling (math.ceil()) function.

Extra: It's Technically not Conversion

This is material we will get to later.

For each type (technically class), there is a special function, who's name matches the name of the type (class), called a constructor.

Constructors construct an object of that type (class). They may also take in inputs to inform that construction.

So int(5.6) isn't technically "converting" the float 5.6 to an int, but rather, creating a new int based on the float 5.6.

It's a subtle distinction, and for all intents are purposes is effectively conversion, but I like to include technically correct information where possible.

math Module

If you want even more mathematical functions and features, there is the math module.

A module is effectively a collection of functions and/or constants that aren't included by default. The term library is also frequently used for this concept.

To load (or import or include) the math module, use the command import math (import <module_name> for modules more broadly). You can use this command in the REPL.

There are useful function and constants in the module, like sqrt() and pi, but in order to use them (at least with this import method), we must refer to them as math.sqrt() or math.pi.

>>> math.sqrt(math.pi)

A full list of the function available to in the math module can be found in the official documentation.


From here on is post-lecture content, or notes about the lecture but not part of the lecture itself.

Instructor's Outline

This is an outline I had in the replit when demonstrating things.

### Instructor's Outline ###

# types:
# int (whole numbers)
# float (decimal point numbers)
# string (text)

# type() function

# Familiar Math Operations:
# Addition: +
# Subtraction: -
# Multiplication: *
# Division: /
# Exponentiation: **

# order of operations

# types in vs types out
# 1. floats dominate
# 2. division outputs floats

# String Operations:
# Concatination: +
# Repeat: *

# Casting
# int(), float(), str()
# use round() for float -> int

# Less-Familiar Math Operations:
# Floor Division: //
# Modulo: %

# Math Library (import math)
# math.pi
# math.sqrt()