Lec 18 Classes
Assignment Updates
Stuff due soon:
- HW6 Due Wednesday (Files)
- Participation due Thursday
- Quiz due Thursday
- Lab on Friday
- Capstone Proposal Due Friday
- Section 2, 3, 4, 5
- Section 1, 6
Counter Code:
Download: Counter.py
class Counter:
def __init__(self, start):
self.count = start
def inc(self):
self.count += 1
my_counter = Counter(5)
Undo Code:
Download: Undo.py
# This class is a blueprint for an object that can be used to store a value that can be changed and undone
class Undo:
# This is the constructor (it is called when the object is created)
def __init__(self, start_value=0):
# History is a list of values that have been set previously
self.history = [start_value]
# History index stores the index of the current value that is being used
self.history_index = 0
# This method sets the value of the object (in a way that can be undone)
def set(self, new_value):
# If we have undone some changes, and we want to make a new change, we need to delete the changes that we have undone
# To do this, we remove everything after the current index (using slicing)
self.history = self.history[:self.history_index + 1]
self.history_index += 1
# This method returns the current value of the object
def get(self):
return self.history[self.history_index]
# This method undoes the last change to the object (if possible)
def undo(self):
if self.history_index > 0:
self.history_index -= 1
return self.history[self.history_index]
# This method redoes the last change to the object (if possible)
def redo(self):
if self.history_index < len(self.history) - 1:
self.history_index += 1
return self.history[self.history_index]