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This is not entirely complete, you may notice some TODOs I have left for myself.

Assignment Updates

Stuff due this week:

  • Reading 1: Due Thursday 2/16
  • Quiz 2: Due Thursday 2/16
  • Lab 2: Due Friday 2/17

Stuff due next week:

  • HW 1: Due Wednesday 2/22
  • Quiz 3: Due Thursday 2/23
  • Lab 3: Due Friday 2/24
  • [TODO: Reading? Presumably Thursday.]

Black Box Functions

There are several ways to look at what functions are. Up to now, we have been treating functions as "black boxes", meaning we view them as a sort of magical device that we feed input to and that we get output from, without needing to know how they work or what's happening inside.

In the view, we care about things that interact with the function:

  • input/parameters: what goes in to the function. Syntactically, we put inputs in between the parentheses that come after the function name. E.g., 314.159 is the input in round(314.159).
  • output/return: This is what the function call evaluates to, or gives back. E.g., round(314.159) outputs 314. So x = round(314.159) would evaluate to x = 314.
  • side effects: Functions in programming language may affect or interact with the broader world in some way. For instance: printing to a terminal.

Here is how that view relates so some functions we've already seen.


  • function: int().
  • input: 42.67, of type float.
  • output: 42, of type int.
  • side effects: none.

print("Hello, World"):

  • function: print().
  • input: "Hello, World", a str.
  • side effects: prints Hello, World to terminal. Note: this is "output" in program sense, but not in the within-program function sense. After all, if I had x = print(Hello, World), what would print(Hello, World) evaluate to? What would be store in x? That's the function output.
  • output: (We'll come back to this, but:)None, of type NoneType.

For now, thing of None as a special object that represents nothing. In essence, the function returns nothing, or doesn't return anything.

input("Please enter a number: "):

  • function: input().
  • input: "Please enter a number: ", a str. This is the input in the function sense.
  • side effects: prints "Please enter a number: " to terminal. Blocks the program until we enter something (input in the use-program-interaction sense). Say we enter 314.
  • output: "314" (what we typed in), of type str.

Hello, You, One More Time

With all this, let us once more behold our second program:

your_name = input("Please enter your name: ")
print("Hello, " + your_name)

With out understanding of functions as black boxes, I want to untangle two interwoven notions of input and output in this program. There is input (parameters) and output (returns) in the function sense. But there is also input and output in the user-program-interaction sense.

What happens on each line:

  • Run your_name = input("Please enter your name: ")
    • Evaluate input("Please enter your name: ")
      • function name: input()
      • function input/parameter: "Please enter your name: ", of type str
      • function side effects:
        • prints Please enter your name: to Terminal (user-interaction output)
        • has program wait until we enter user-interaction input
        • reads input, say Jared
      • function output/return: "Jared", of type str
    • Line effectively reduces to your_name = "Jared"
    • Assign your_name to be "Jared", of type str
  • Run print("Hello, " + your_name)
    • Evaluate "Hello, " + your_name
      • Lookup your_name, currently "Jared", of type str
      • Reduces to "Hello, " + "Jared"
      • Evaluates to "Hello, Jared", of type str
    • Line effectively reduces to print("Hello, Jared")
    • Evaluate print("Hello, Jared")
      • function name: print()
      • function input/parameter: "Hello, Jared", of type str
      • function side effects: prints Hello, Jared to Terminal (user-interaction output)
      • function output/return: None
    • Line effectively reduces to None
    • Nothing is done with value None

Functions as Code

Viewing functions as black boxes is fine for calling them. But there are times we want to build a "black box" that does something like, say, compute the area of a triangle.

What functions are, and what we would be making, is a reusable piece of code. A named piece of code that depends on some parameters (e.g., base and height) and produces some return (e.g., area).

Function Signatures

Function signatures are a condensed way of representing the parameter and return information if a function.

For instance: round(number:float) -> int

  • The name of the function, round is the first thing.
  • Then within the parentheses you have the parameters or arguments the function takes in
    • These are each given a name, e.g., number
    • These can optionally have expected types, :, then type, e.g., float
  • Then optionally at the end, an -> followed by the output type, e.g., int

So a function signature for the area of a triangle function might be: triangle_area(base:float, height:float) -> float.

Making Functions

So how do we make a function?

First we make what is called the function header, basically saying "I'm making a function". The header is composed of the keyword def (as in "define"), followed by the signature for the function we want to create, followed by a :.

So for the area of a triangle function, this would be

def triangle_area(base:float, height:float) -> float:
# [Add code here]

Then we want to add code to this function. The actual computation of the area, in this case. Very important: Code that is part of a function needs to be indented, that is how the computer tells it is part of the function. Updating our function:

def triangle_area(base:float, height:float) -> float:
area = base * height / 2
# [Something is still missing]

But we are still missing something. Remember the black box view of this. This function should take in base and height and give back/return area. We've computed area, but we need a specific keyword to tell the function to return it. This is the return keyword. And so our function becomes:

def triangle_area(base:float, height:float) -> float:
area = base * height / 2
return area

That last line says have "the function output/return area".

As a final note, we could actually shorten this. return can work on any expression, not just a pure variable. For instance:

def triangle_area(base:float, height:float) -> float:
return base * height / 2 # b * h / 2 is evaluated and returned

print(triangle_area(3, 6))
print(triangle_area(5, 5))


Some functions, like print(), return nothing. Or at least in essence return nothing. However, because the mechanics of python demand they technically return something, they instead return a special object: None, of type NoneType. This thing represents nothing. A function the returns None represents a function that "has no return".

Below are examples of cases where a function returns nothing. Note that while the type is technically NoneType, we still use -> None to indicate no return.

The first example case is a function that has no return at all. A practical example of such a function is a function that takes in information and prints it in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

def no_return() -> None:
print("I do not return, thus I return nothing (None)")

ret = no_return() # ret = None
print("no_return() returned: " + str(ret))

The second example case is a function that has just return with nothing after it. There are cases where the return of the function is not important, but you want to use return when ending the flow of execution.

def return_nothing() -> None:
print("I return nothing, thus I return nothing (None)")

ret = return_nothing() # ret = None
print("return_nothing() returned: " + str(ret))

The third example case is a function that explicitly has return None in it. This is equivalent to the above, but there is a case where perhaps emphasising the None being returned makes sense.

def return_none() -> None:
print("I return None, thus I return nothing (None)")
return None

ret = return_none() # ret = None
print("return_none() returned: " + str(ret))

The fourth example is mechanically a subset of the third, a function that returns some expression that evaluates to None. I can't offhandedly think of a case where I would want to do this, but the world is big.

def return_eval_none() -> None:
return print("I return the None returned by print(), thus I return nothing (None)")

ret = return_eval_none() # ret = None
print("return_eval_none() returned: " + str(ret))

Default Parameters

Normally, if a function has, say, two parameters, then when calling (using) said function, you need to specify exactly that many values. For instance: for the triangle_area() function from earlier, triangle_area(3, 1) would be legal, whereas triangle_area(3) and triangle_area(3, 1, 4) would not.

But there is a way in python to have functions with optional parameters that have a default values. So we can make a function for computing the surface area of cube, that optionally takes a length, otherwise, assumes that length is 1.

The only real change, is to the signature. A length to surface area function might have the signature:

cube_surface_area(length:float) -> float

But we want for cube_surface_area(3) and cube_surface_area() to be legal, with the latter effectively being cube_surface_area(1).

We can make that parameter option with a default by adding = followed by a default value after the parameter name and type:

cube_surface_area(length:float=1) -> float

From there it can be used in the body (code) of the function like any other parameter:

def cube_surface_area(length:float=1) -> float:
return 6 * length ** 2


Variable Scope

Variables can have one of two levels of scope (where they are "visible"):

  • Global: They are visible (can be references from) everywhere.
  • Local: They are visible (can be references from) only within a specific call of a function, and once that function call ends, they are gone.

A variable's scope depends on where it is defined via x = [something]. For each level, global and local (not within and within a function), the first time an x = [something] occurs, x is defined to be that something (you can of course ).

def print_num() -> None:

num = 2 # defined gloabally

# print(num) # no local num, look-up global num, prints 2
def make_num() -> None:
num = 2

# num = 2 # makes local num
# # deleted when function ends

print(num) # error, no global num to print

When a variable is used within a function, the function first looks locally, and then globally. So if there is a local x and a global x, then we the local one will shadow (make effectively invisible to the function) the global one.

def set_num() -> None:
num = 3

num = 5 # global num = 5

# num = 3 # local num = 3, shadows global
# print(num) # looks local first, sees local num, prints 3

print(num) # looks global, prints 5