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Lists, Tuples, and Strings

Assignment Updates

Stuff due this week:

  • Participation 3 Due Thursday 3/2
  • Quiz 4: Due Thursday 3/2
  • HW 2: Due Friday 3/3
  • Lab 4: Due Friday 3/3

Stuff due next week:

  • (Presumably) Participation 4 Due Thursday 3/9
  • (Presumably) Quiz 5: Due Thursday 3/9
  • HW 3: Due Friday 3/10
  • Lab 5: Due Friday 3/10

Lists, Tuples, ... and Strings

We have covered various types (int, float, str, bool) up to now. And we have used variables to store and access objects of these types. But there is a weakness in out ability to hold information. We don't have a good way to hold, say, 100 ints. And wanting to take an average of 100 numbers is not an unreasonable goal.

And so we have a number of collection types or collections in python. These are types that exists to store a bunch of information. Within those are sequence types, types that store a bunch of things in some order.


One such sequence type is lists.

You can make a lists explicitly with an opening square bracket/brace ([), followed by comma-separated elements (values or variables), followed by a closing square bracket/brace (]). For example:

list_1 = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
list_2 = ["a", 1, 1.0, True] # can contain a mix of types
list_3 = [] # can be empty
print(list_1) # [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
print(list_2) # ['a', 1, 1.0, True]
print(list_3) # []

Once you have a list, you'll want to be able to access elements of it. This is done with the list, followed by [, followed by an index to access, followed by ]. Note: indexing starts at 0. So the first element in the list has index 0, second has index 1, ..., last element has index length-1 (where length is the length of this list, generally obtained via len() function).

l = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
print(l) # [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
print(l[0]) # 3
print(l[1]) # 1
print(l[len(l)-1]) # 5

Finally, you can change the elements at an in index of the list.

l = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
print(l) # [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
l[0] = 5 # 3 -> 5
l[len(l)-1] = 3 # 5 -> 3
print(l) # [5, 1, 4, 1, 3]


Tuples are much the same as lists mechanically. But there are some differences.

Most visibly, they are created with pair of parentheses ((, and )), not square brackets.

tup_1 = (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
tup_2 = ("a", 1, 1.0, True) # can contain a mix of types
tup_3 = (0,) # singletons need a comma
tup_4 = () # can be empty
print(tup_1) # (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
print(tup_2) # ('a', 1, 1.0, True)
print(tup_3) # (0,)
print(tup_4) # ()

Indexing is exactly the same.

t = (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
print(t) # (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
print(t[0]) # 3
print(t[1]) # 1
print(t[len(t)-1]) # 5

However, you can not change the elements of a tuple. We say a tuple is immutable, whereas a list is mutable:

t = (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
print(t) # (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
t[0] = 5 # Error


Plot twist: string are also a kind of sequence type. Or at least enough so that they support indexing. That said, when you index into a string you just get a string of length 1.

s = "Hello, World!"
print(s[2]) # "l"
print(s[4]) # "o"
print(s[10]) # "l"

Like tuples however, you can not edit them.

s = "Hello, World!"
s[12] # "!"
s[12] = "?" # Error

When to use What

Strings are for text, pretty clear. You want text? Strings.

But lists vs tuples? The mechanical difference is just that lists are mutable and tuples aren't.

In terms of actual use: I tend to think of tuples as bundling associated information together into a bigger whole, almost making a new "type" out of "sub-types". For instance, bundling an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate to get a 2D point. Lists to me are more for working with bulk, many of the same type of thing. If I need to store a long list of numbers to later get some stats about, I'd generally use a list.

But maybe that's just me. I tend to just default to lists in general, partly because they are more flexible, but partly because other languages have list analogues more than they do tuple analogues.


What Are Methods?

Methods are a weird kind of function associated with certain types. For example lists have an append() method, but only lists can use it. And you need some variable/object of the relevant type to use a method.

For example, again, append(element) is a method for lists. So if you have a list l, you can invoke the append() method like so: l.append(3) (this will append the element 3 to the end of list l).

We've seen the dot . before in a different context. My intuition is that Is saying something like "get the bar attribute/variable/function/something from foo":

  • math.sqrt() is "get the sqrt() function from the math module (library)".
  • math.pi is "get the pi constant from the math module (library)".
  • l.append() is "get the append() method from l". And if l is list, it has an append method associated with it.

You might see this method written as list.append() in documentation

List Methods

Here are a few useful list methods:

  • list.append(x): appends x to the end of the list.
  • list.insert(i, x): inserts x at index i, for i between 0 and list length (inclusive).
  • list.pop(i): removes and returns the element at index i, if i is unspecified defaults to last element in the list.
  • list.remove(x): removes the first occurrence of x in the list.
ones = [True, 1.0] # [True, 1.0]
ones.append("one") # [True, 1.0, "one"]
ones.remove(1.0) # [True, "one"]
ones.insert(0, 1) # [1, True, "one"]
ones.pop(1) # [1, "one"]
print(ones) # [1, "one"]

Notice that the ones used to invoke these method changes as a result of them.

String Methods

Here are a few useful string methods:

  • str.lower(): returns a lower-case copy of the string.
  • str.upper(): returns a upper-case copy of the string.
  • str.replace(old, new): returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new.
Hi = "Hello, World!"
hi = Hi.lower()
HI = Hi.upper()
H1 = Hi.replace("o", "0")
print(Hi) # Hello, World!
print(hi) # hello, world!
print(HI) # HELLO, WORLD!
print(H1) # Hell0, W0rld!

Notice that the Hi used to invoke these method was unchanged.

This behaviour is remarkable different from lists. Methods can change the thing used to call them, but they may not. The only real way to know is to read the documentation, and better yet: play around and test them in a REPL or some such.


Material from here on was not part of the lecture, but is stuff I think is quite useful to know about.


Remember how + and * work on strings? Well they do the same thing to lists and tuples:

print("Foo" + "Bar")   # FooBar
print(3 * "Foo") # FooFooFoo
print([1,5] + [3,7,9]) # [1, 5, 3, 7, 9]
print(5 * [0]) # [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
print((1,2,3) + (8,9)) # (1, 2, 3, 8, 9)
print(2 * ("a","b")) # ('a', 'b', 'a', 'b')


Imagine you had a reasonably-short tuple that you know you wanted to work with all of its elements, like adding together two points in 2D space:

# Assume these were set in the past somewhere
point1 = (3,1)
point2 = (4,1)
# ...
# Now we want to add them
point_add = (point1[0]+point2[0], point1[1]+point2[1])
print(point_add) # (7, 2)

You might find using the tuple name and indices repeatedly bothersome or unclear, especially of say point1[0] showed up multiple times in a calculation. You could use helper variables to diminish that to some extent.

# Assume these were set in the past somewhere
point1 = (3,1)
point2 = (4,1)
# ...
# Now we want to add them
a = point1[0]
b = point1[1]
x = point2[0]
y = point2[1]
point_add = (a+x, b+y)
print(point_add) # (7, 2)

I find this more visually clear, especially if those variables are used multiple times each.

The initial assignment isn't the nicest. Python has special machinery to do this a little more nicely though.

# Assume these were set in the past somewhere
point1 = (3,1)
point2 = (4,1)
# ...
# Now we want to add them
a, b = point1 # (a, b) = (3, 1)
x, y = point2 # (x, y) = (4, 1)
point_add = (a+x, b+y)
print(point_add) # (7, 2)

This is known as unpacking or destructuring. The tuple (3, 1) is unpacked into the variables a and b for more convenient access.


What if we want to unpack a tuple for convenience, but we don't need all the elements, and don't want to make up variable names for the ones we don't need.

For instance: computing the width (x-distance) between two points. We only care about the first elements in the tuple.

We can use an underscore (_) instead of a variable name if we don't care about tracking that value and don't want to make up a name.

# Assume these were set in the past somewhere
point1 = (3,1)
point2 = (4,1)
# ...
# Now we want to get the x-distance
a, _ = point1 # (a, _) = (3, 1) # a = 3
x, _ = point2 # (x, _) = (4, 1) # x = 4
width = abs(a - x)
print(width) # 1

Negative Indexing

You may want the last element in a list/tuple/string, or the second-last, etc. This can be done by taking the length of the list minus 1.

l = [0,1,2,3,4]    # 5 elements, indices 0 to 4 (inclusive)
length = len(l) # 5
print(l[length-1]) # prints 4

You could also write l[len(l)-1]. This is ... kind of gross. It turns out, there is shortcut for this: l[-1].

l = [0,1,2,3,4]
print(l[len(l)-1]) # 4
print(l[-1]) # 4
print(l[len(l)-2]) # 3
print(l[-2]) # 3
print(l[len(l)-3]) # 2
print(l[-3]) # 2

You get the idea. A negative index is basically "index 'length of list minus this number'".


You can do way more than just indexing, you can extract sub-lists/tuples/strings called slices.

For a list (or tuple or string) l, you can get the element at an index index via l[index]. There is a generalised indexing form though l[from:to:step]. This gets you a sub-list/tuple/string based on the indices from from (inclusive) to to (exclusive) in increments of step.

In fact, and of these three can be left blank (as long as the : are still there). step defaults to 1. from and to default to the limits of the list (step may be negative, so from could be the end of the list when unspecified).

This really is best seen with examples.

l = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
t = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
s = "0123456789"
print(l[3:7]) # [3, 4, 5, 6]
print(t[:4]) # (0, 1, 2, 3)
print(s[6:]) # 6789
print(l[-3:]) # [7, 8, 9]
print(t[:-8]) # (0, 1)
print(s[-8:-2]) # 234567
print(l[1:-1:2]) # [1, 3, 5, 7]
print(t[9:1:-2]) # (9, 7, 5, 3)
print(s[-1:-9:-2]) # 9753
print(l[1::3]) # [1, 4, 7]
print(t[:9:3]) # (0, 3, 6)
print(s[::2]) # 02468

And yes, you can assign to a slice.

l = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
print(l) # [0,1,2,3,4,5]
l[::2] = l[1::2]
print(l) # [1,1,3,3,5,5]
l = l[::-1]
print(l) # [5,5,3,3,1,1]


Like int(), float(), str(), etc; there are list() and tuple() functions.

So we can (sort of) use str(), list(), and tuple() to convert between these sequence types.

To List/Tuple

Converting to lists and tuples from any of the others works how you might hope, direct conversion between tuples and lists, strings becoming list/tuples of the one-letter strings.

t = (3,1,4,1,5)
s = "92653"
lt = list(t) # [3, 1, 4, 1, 5]
ls = list(s) # ['9', '2', '6', '5', '3']
l = [3,1,4,1,5]
s = "92653"
tl = tuple(l) # (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
ts = tuple(s) # ('9', '2', '6', '5', '3')

To String

Converting to strings just puts the list/tuple in string form, it does not make a string out of the elements in the list.

l = [3,1,4,1,5]
t = ("3","1","4","1","5")
sl = str(l) # "[3, 1, 4, 1, 5]"
st = str(t) # "('3', '1', '4', '1', '5')"

If you want to convert a list/tuple of strings intro a string by effectively concatenating everything in the list/tuple together, you probably want to use the str.join() method. The invoking string should be whatever you want to appear between each element of the list/tuple, generally this "".

l = ["3","1","4","1","5"]
t = ("9","2","6","5","3")
sl = "".join(l) # "31415"
st = "".join(t) # "92653"

Checking Containment

We can check if some value is in a list/tuple/string (any collection generally) with the in keyword. value in collection evaluate to True if value is in collection and False otherwise.

print("3 in [1,2,3]:", 3 in [1,2,3])
print("0 in (1,2,3):", 0 in (1,2,3))
print("'H' in 'Hello':", 'H' in 'Hello')
print("'h' in 'Hello':", 'h' in 'Hello')

# For strings, in can work for sub-string
print("'Hel' in 'Hello':", 'He' in 'Hello')


There are actually two ways to check if value is not in collection. Since value in collention returns a boolean, not (value in collention) would get the negation. (not value in collention is equivalent, but the parentheses are good for clarity if you don't really know the precedence of operators.)

But as a more english-intuitive option, we also have value not in collection

value = 0
collection = [1,2,3]

print(value in collection) # False
print(not value in collection) # True
print(value not in collection) # True
print(not value not in collection) # False